Reggio emilia inspiration

Open House de Colegios en Cali

Children learn what they experience. This is exactly the essence of the education our children receive at Cañaverales International School. Through Reggio Emilia Inspiration, learning based on discovery, exploration, collective knowledge construction, recording of learning experiences, and the environment as a third teacher is encouraged, thus determining the presence of three educators: the group, the adult and the environment.

Reggio Emilia is currently and avant-garde pedagogy because it is a collective and creative mission constantly in action, seeking answers and “seizing” the interest of children at all times, which are specific attitudes of the new generations.

Through Reggio Emilia Inspiration at the Cañaverales School, our children are subjects of learning: builders and co-builders of learning while the teacher is an observer, guide and facilitator of their development processes while learning at the same time.

The classroom becomes a third teacher, creating relationships and encounters that allow new languages and provides the students with different learning tools. It also favors spaces with a pedagogical sense to foster the development of children, where experimenting and researching make sense in the construction of the world.


“El Atelier”

Art plays a significant role within the Reggio Emilia Inspiration at the Cañaverales School, even though it does not deal only with artistic education. Therefore, the workshop and the atelier are vital elements to ensure attention to art, visual research and aesthetics. The Atelier is a constant invitation to build new universes, through art, in response to various knowledge needs.

The teacher, a clinician, expert in the visual arts, works closely with the other teachers and with the children at the schools. A special atelier workshop, which contains a wide variety of materials, tools and resources, is used by all children and teachers to explore, express and create thoughts. Likewise, we integrate families so that they assume an active role in the teaching and learning of children, so that together, we are inspired to learn.


“For Reggio Emilia, the design and use of space promotes relationships, communications and meetings.” There is an implicit order and beauty in the design and organization of the space, equipment and materials. Each corner of each space has its identity and purpose, and is valued by both children and adults.”


“The Reggio Emilia Inspiration is an educational experience born in 1945 in Northern Italy, in a city called Reggio Emilia. It is recognized worldwide as one of the best educational proposals for early childhood and, in addition, the Harvard School of Education studies it as a model for learning groups.”

At the Cañaverales International School, we break traditional education schemes and through our proposal we contribute to our children’s self-confidence so that they take risks, be innovative, autonomous and spontaneous in their way of owning knowledge.