Cañaverales is awarded the highest icfes category: “A plus – A+”.

At the Cañaverales International School we continue to consolidate conceptual understanding by exploring knowledge in a variety of disciplines. Committed to ideas and issues of local and global relevance that allow us to continue offering a proposal with high standards of academic and human formation.
An evidence of the above is the result earned by our students in the Pruebas Saber ICFES [ICFES Knowledge Exams] which classify us in the prestigious group of schools with the highest category granted by ICFES: “A Plus – A+”. In 2017 the national average score for 11th grade knowledge exams was 257 points, while Cañaverales got an average score of 336, this is, almost 80 points above the average.
El Colegio The School’s results for the Synthetic Index of Educational Quality in 2016, ranked all of its levels in category 10, the highest category granted by ICFES.
Col Sapiens Ranking
Another recognition to the quality of our proposal, is the study conducted by the Sapiens Research Group observatory, a company in charge of publishing the Col-Sapiens Ranking where we are included among the top 10 schools of Cali and Valle del Cauca, thanks to our high academic standards endorsed by the accreditation to award the Diploma Program of the International Baccalaureate Organization, IBO, our ICFES Category and the Quality recertification under standard ISO 9001-2008.
In this way we continue to demonstrate our expertise and leadership in the education sector in the region. At the same time it is a recognition of the academic and human excellence that makes those who are part of the Cañaverales International School community excel.