Research-oriented Academic Training
It encourages meaningful learning that allows communicating and using the knowledge acquired in other contexts.
The teaching focuses on the development of critical, creative and meta-cognitive thinking that allows the student to acquire a capacity to reflect on himself/herself, his/her learning, his/her knowledge and his/her environment.
Desarrolla habilidades para el manejo consciente de la información, los procesos y las actitudes.
It develops skills that allow him/her to apply knowledge to solve problem situations or to create products or solutions.
It values collaborative learning by recognizing that it promotes the development of his/her own abilities and those of others.
It develops teamwork skills by promoting the process of training a leader in line with the current situation.

Humane Education
A Cañaverales upright student is:
Responsible: he/she is accountable for his/her actions and consequences.
Honest: he/she expressed with coherence and sincerity according to truth and justice.
Respectful: he/she values others, essentially in terms of human relations, guaranteeing transparency.
He/she is a leader with teamwork skills, understanding leadership not as a position of power but as the ability to aim at and work for the achievement of personal, academic and social responsibility goals.
He/she is a person with a clear personal, cultural and social identity, which allows him/her to be flexible, adaptable and creative to perform in different scenarios.

Language Teaching
A student with a high level of competence (independent speaker) in English and Spanish.
He/she can speak, understand, read and write in English and Spanish.
He/she can express himself/herself in these languages, respecting each language’s concepts and structures.
He/she shows good use of language both in the social and the specific academic learning contexts, such as mathematics, natural sciences, social studies, literature, etc.
He/she approaches other cultures, projecting himself/herself easily in terms of the achievement of his/her personal and professional goals.
With the implementation of French language we are developing communicative and intercultural skills that allow knowledge exchange with the French-speaking culture.

We are accredited by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) to offer the Diploma Program.
We are part of the IBO, a worldwide network of schools with presence in over 145 countries.
In line with the IBO standards, we are committed to the academic and human education to create a better and more peaceful world through education.
We are part of the Andean Association of International Baccalaureate Schools (AACBI for tis acronym in Spanish).
The international mindset develops through the study of various disciplines in which culture, language, interactions with others, beliefs, values, diversity, and different forms of expression are considered as a learning framework.
Developing an international mindset allows children and youngsters to continuously research on a wide variety of issues and ideas of local, national and global relevance.